Egypt Liveaboard
is here to guide you to an unforgettable Sea Safari trips
Now you can choose your boat and route with the guidance of our highly knowledgeable team. Browse through our catalog and take a virtual tour of various Safari Boats. Access all the information you need for dive sites in the Red Sea and find competitive deals directly through your chosen Liveaboard. Egypt Liveaboard is a community of divers with access to various boats and all the information you need to organize a fantastic trip for your team. We are here to make your plan as fast and easy as possible and help you navigate all charter boat trips across the Red Sea.
The Red Sea is a paradise for scuba divers, offering some of the best diving experiences in the world. With crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life, the Red Sea is a popular choice for divers of all levels. Its warm temperatures and excellent visibility make it comfortable for those seeking an unforgettable underwater adventure…
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Top Dive sites in the Red Sea
The Red Sea has plenty of dive sites with various of routes for all your wishes. Each destination offers a variety of diving styles, including magnificent Nature, historical, or adventure dives. Discover the charm that captivates most of the divers and brings them back repeatedly.
Red Sea Marine Life
The Red Sea is a treasure trove of marine life, with over 1,200 species of fish and 10% of the world’s coral reefs. Its warm, nutrient-rich waters provide a haven for dolphins, sea turtles, and even rare species like dugongs. Dive in and discover the wonders of the Red Sea.